We currently have 3 beautiful puppies available for homes. 2 females and 1 male. They have been cleared with a clean bill of health from our local vet and will now begin the journey to find their forever homes. Puppies are listed in the photo Gallery under available puppies "Pick Me"
Our smallest puppy at 7 weeks is 9 pounds and the heaviest puppy is currently 11.8 pounds. that being said these fur babies are going to be big like mom and dad. Mom is Paisley who you can learn about in our dogs page, and dad is Blue who you can also learn about in our dogs page. The girls are more of a darker golden and the boys have taken after dad and are lighter in color. They have had their first shots and are currently eating on their own. The vet has cleared them to go home on week 8 which is next Saturday.
Feel free to reach out with any questions.